Hello, jellos, Prof. Cpt. Smilez here~! (Yes, I'm a professor now because-)
I'm in college now taking an Animation teacher program!
Started roughly two months ago and I've been trying to keep up properly on my studies and hoo boy Colleg do be built different. Especially if you're in a public university known for having asshole security guards, queerphobic and bullshit dress/hair policies, and crappy anti-students administration
But hey, who am I complain? Its free education. Even if its a crappy one.
(We literally don't start doing animation stuff until 2nd year because we're doing trade stuff for the 1st year because my program is actually a trade/shop teacher focused one.)
Either way, I'm still trying my best to do art as I cannot limp on my artistic works because gotta improve my skills, get myself out there, build a portfolio, whatever that helps me in my artistic journey~!
Just now, I just finished a spooky illustration to celebrate the most spookiest time of the year which is, Hawwoween~!
Please leave a rating and comment as it helps my comically inflated ego a lot getting validation and critique
Since public university is crap and we still have to buy our own materials and tools for subjects. I'll take this as an opportunity to promote my commissions!
Feel free to contact me if y'all want to support this 3rd world amateur artist trying to get by!
Also shout out to the kind soul that gifted me a supporter status~! Bless your heart!

Either way, that concludes my update on my status right now and I hope that y'all enjoy my works and enjoyed your Halloween.
Brace yourself for Christmas as Mariah Carey is now defrosting as we speak.
Prof. Cpt. Smilez Scribble out~!